
Do you ever look through the log files of your website? I can’t say I do on a regular basis, but when I do time suddenly takes on a different quailty – as you follow and see who and what is linking to your website and borrowing your bandwidth, starting to trawl the wierd depths of the web.

The other day I was very suprised to come across a picture of one of my own sculptures at http://artblog.roua.org/2005/03/14/cloud but on the whole thats a nice thing to find.

Last week at work one of our clients who had been perusing his own log files called us up rather concerned as to why his e-commerce site was linked to by hundreds of strange eastern european dating sites… to which there is no good answer at all except for search engine optimisation strategy – a phrase that has more than eneough mystical conotations… at the end of the day there is nothing you can do except amend the weblog analyser to ignore them all.

The long dark teatime of the web

Finally got around to writting something. Its fitting that my first post should be a link to the website that previously lived here in this domain. Infact it still does. It is funny the way websites acumulate layers and layers of matter. Web Mulch.

Its funny how you never have the time to clear it all out years of work tangle and mingle until you can’t change it because it’ll all fall apart. Not very professional but who has time for that after you get home from work?

Full circle. Flipflops.org was put together as a diary of some travels and then hacked around and shuffled and chopped as needed for various job getting portfolio purposes. Gainfully employed right now I can use it for something else.

Still I shouldn’t be working, I should be making art.

Train crash

I am writting this from memory (no notes) a month after it happened but it needs to be recounted. We were travelling by train from Almeria to Granada to Aljeciras. Between Granada and Aljeciras the train hit a truck which had broken down on a level crossing. The train was derailed and unfortunately the truck driver was killed, luckily nobody else was hurt.

As a result of this all the passengers were transfered to busses. On a bus we met some Kiwis called Jan and Josetta who in a twist of irony have spent the past year living at Highbury Corner just down the road from us. We all stayed in a tiny hotel by the port and had a laugh.

Shame we’ll never see them again – we got the first ferry to Morocco before they got up.


Whizzed to the Sierra Nevada and discovered a hostel down a dirt track perched high on the cliffs ouside the tiny village of Pitres. Run by an old (70ish)german lady named Barbara.

We introduced her to her first internet experience after she persuaded us that we needed to drive her to an internet cafe along the mountain range and help her book a plane ticket to Shannon.

Multilingual conversations in halting Spanish, German and French. Phew.