Setting TinyMCE configs in Django

Working with the Django Filebrowser and TinyMCE I have just spent quite a while with an utterly frustrating problem.

I want to set all my my inserted image paths to absolute e.g. /media/uploads/someimge.jpg – in TinyMCE the way to do this is to set “convert_urls”: false

The relevant part of my file looked like this:

    'plugins': "table,spellchecker,paste,searchreplace",
    'theme': "advanced",
    'theme_advanced_toolbar_location' : "top",
    'theme_advanced_toolbar_align' : "left",
    'theme_advanced_statusbar_location' : "bottom",
    'theme_advanced_resizing' : "true",
    'convert_urls' : "false"

But nothing worked and my images were all being inserted as ../../../media/uploads/someimge.jpg

Eventually looking at the generated source of my page I realised that the problem was this was rendering “convert_urls”: “false” it should be rendering “convert_urls”: false

The solution is pretty obvious – but then they usually are:

    'plugins': "table,spellchecker,paste,searchreplace",
    'theme': "advanced",
    'theme_advanced_toolbar_location' : "top",
    'theme_advanced_toolbar_align' : "left",
    'theme_advanced_statusbar_location' : "bottom",
    'theme_advanced_resizing' : True,
    'convert_urls' : False

The reason it took me so long to figure out was that I tried to use ‘convert_urls’ : false – which just resulted in syntax error – coming from PHP I’m used to booleans being case insensitive – in Python they aren’t. It also explains why my ‘theme_advanced_resizing’ didn’t work either.

CakePHP Menu Helper for Tree data

This is the MenuHelper I use in my CMS system. It is designed to work with data from the Tree behaviour or from any $model->find(‘threaded’) call. I use it to generate multi level CSS menus (that you see at the top of most websites), contextual menus (that you see in sidebars, showing the current page and its ‘branch’) and sitemaps – which let’s face it are basically often just the same as a top level menu but without the fancy stuff to make them pop out when you hover over them.

Prerequisites, history, overview

There are a couple of prerequisites here which may mean that this isn’t applicable for a lot of people. The helper is designed to deal with ‘page’ structures organised in simple /parent/child/grand-child format e.g.


In my system I have a model ‘Article’ with Tree behaviour attached. So in the example above ‘ethos’ is a child of ‘about’. Some of these pages have real content, but others just act as place holders for other controllers / models – ‘news’ is a placeholder for the ‘News’ model. But all of them (even the placeholders) have other data attached like content for sidebars or meta information.

The helper will add a ‘selected-item’ class to the LI corresponding to the current page, and if it has any parents it will add a ‘selected’ class to each of those parent LIs too.

I create a full slug for each ‘Article’ on $model->save()

The helper operates in 2 modes ‘tree’ (which is default) and ‘context’
‘tree’ will produce a whole list of nested ULs – can be used to generate top level navigation (works well with things like suckerfish)
‘context’ will only produce nested ULs for the current branch

Using the example above if you were on the /about/ethos page and you wanted the navigation fragment in the sidebar you would use ‘context’

Database Fields

These are the default field names, they can be simply overridden to match your database schema.

Required Fields

  • name
  • slug_url

Optional Fields

  • title_for_navigation
  • redirect_url
  • redirect_target

Example ‘threaded’ data

[Article] => Array
                    [name] => Find out about us
                    [slug_url] => /about-us
                    [title_for_navigation] => About Us
                    [redirect_url] => 
                    [redirect_target] => 
                    [lft] => 15
                    [id] => 105
                    [rght] => 24
                    [parent_id] => 

            [children] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [Article] => Array
                                    [name] => Philosophy
                                    [slug_url] => /about-us/philosophy
                                    [title_for_navigation] => 
                                    [redirect_url] => 
                                    [redirect_target] => 
                                    [lft] => 16
                                    [id] => 111
                                    [rght] => 21
                                    [parent_id] => 105


Include the helper in your controller as usual.

In a view / element to generate complete menu

echo $menu->setup($menu_data, array('selected' => $this->here));

In a view / element to generate a context menu from the same data, set the class of the parent UL

echo $menu->setup($menu_data, array('selected' => $this->here, 'type' => 'context', 'menuClass' => 'context-menu'));

In a view / element to generate a sitemap from different data, let the helper know to use the ‘Sitemap’ model rather than the default ‘Article’ model and set the parent UL class.

$sitemap = new MenuHelper();
echo $sitemap->setup($data,  array('modelName' => 'Sitemap', 'menuClass' => 'sitemap'));

The Helper Code

Download the Helper

 * More specifically it is designed to generate menus composed of nested ULs for use in CMS systems where all the URLs are pretty:
 * 	- naviagtion menus (usually at the top of the page)
 * 	- context menus (usually found at the side) and showing the links in the current branch
 * 	- sitemaps
 * Overview (A bit of history)
 * The helper is designed to deal with navigation / page structures organised in simple /parent/child/grand-child like structures
 * for instance:
 * /home
 * /about
 * /about/company-history
 * /about/company-history/gallery
 * /about/ethos
 * /about/vacancies
 * /news
 * /news/2009/jan
 * /news/2009/feb
 * /news/2009/mar
 * /contact
 * (etc.)
 * -------------------
 * URLs are generated in the model or controller not in the view / helper
 * -------------------
 * In the system from which this is taken, I create a full slug for each page on $model->save();
 * Some of the pages are actual pages of text and others are palceholders for content in other models
 * but they allow you do things like control the content of left / right columns, set default meta tags etc.
 * The purpose being to create really easy site structures with nice urls, the 
 * In the example above /home, /about etc. are all from a single model 'Article' which is my master model 
 * /news however is a placeholder for the 'News' model and /contact for the 'Contact' model
 * Required Fields
 * ------------------
 * title / name (defaults to 'title')
 * page url (defaults to 'slug_url' e.g. /about/ethos)
 * Optional Fields
 * ------------------
 * title_for_navigation
 * redirect_url
 * redirect_target
 * Example data
 * ------------------
 * [Article] => Array
                    [name] => Find out about us
                    [slug_url] => /about-us
                    [title_for_navigation] => About Us
                    [redirect_url] => 
                    [redirect_target] => 
                    [lft] => 15
                    [id] => 105
                    [rght] => 24
                    [parent_id] => 

            [children] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [Article] => Array
                                    [name] => Philosophy
                                    [slug_url] => /about-us/philosophy
                                    [title_for_navigation] => 
                                    [redirect_url] => 
                                    [redirect_target] => 
                                    [lft] => 16
                                    [id] => 111
                                    [rght] => 21
                                    [parent_id] => 105
 * Usage:
 * Include the helper in your controller as usual.
 * The helper operates in 2 modes 'tree' (which is default) and 'context'
 * 'tree' will produce a whole list of nested Uls - can be used to generate top level navigation (works well with things like suckerfish)
 * 'context' will only produce nested ULs for the current branch
 * Using the example above if you were on the /about/ethos page and you wanted the navigation fragment in the sidebar you would use context
 * /about
 * /about/company-history
 * /about/company-history/gallery
 * /about/ethos
 * /about/vacancies
 * In a view / element to generate complete menu
 * echo $menu->setup($menu_data, array('selected' => $this->here));
 * In a view / element to generate a context menu from the same data, set the class of the parent UL
 * echo $menu->setup($menu_data, array('selected' => $this->here, 'type' => 'context', 'menuClass' => 'context-menu'));
 * In a view / element to generate a sitemap from different data, let the helper know to use the 'Sitemap' model rather than the default 'Article' model and set the parent UL class.
 * $sitemap = new MenuHelper();
 * echo $sitemap->setup($data,  array('modelName' => 'Sitemap', 'menuClass' => 'sitemap'));
 * Version Details
 * 1.0
 * + Initial release.
class MenuHelper extends AppHelper {
	 * Current page in application
	 * @var string
	private $selected = '';
	/** Internal variable for the data
	 * @var array
	private $array = array();
	 * Default css class applied to the menu
	 * @var string
	private $menuClass = 'menu';
	 * Default DOM id applied to menu
	 * @var string
	private $menuId = 'top-menu';
	 * CSS class applied to the selected node and its parent nodes 
	 * @var string
	private $selectedClass = 'selected';
	 * CSS class applied to the exact selected node in the tree - in addition to $selectedClass
	 * @var unknown_type
	private $selectedClassItem = 'item-selected';
	 * Default Slug
	 * @var string
	private $defaultSlug = 'home';
	 * Type of menu to be generated:
	 * 'tree' - to generate a complete tree
	 * 'context' - to only render the specific barnch under the current page
	 * @var string
	private $type = 'tree';
	 * Model name used in $array e.g. $data[0]['Article']['name']
	 * @var string
	private $modelName = 'Article';
	 * Database column name - (i.e. a shorter version of the name / title for use only in naviagtion)
	 * e.g. A page called 'Welcome to the giant flea circus' 
	 * might be set to show up on navigation as 'home'
	 * @var string
	private $titleForNavigation = 'title_for_navigation';
	 * Database column name for title / name
	 * @var string
	private $title = 'name';
	 * Database column name for complete page slug e.g. /about/history/early-years
	 * @var string
	private $slugUrl = 'slug_url';
	 * Database column name for redirect_url for instance if /about/blog redirects to
	 * @var string
	private $redirectUrl = 'redirect_url';
	 * Target for redirect (see redirectUrl)
	 * @var string
	private $redirectTarget = 'redirect_target';
	 * Minumum number of items required to render a context menu
	 * @var int
	private $contextMinLength = 2;
	 * Internal Counter used in type: 'context'
	 * @var int
	private $li_count = 0;
	 * Internal flag to see if the page has been matched to an item
	 * @var bool
	private $matched = false;
	 * Internal counter
	 * @var int
	private $i = 0;
	 * Enter description here...
	 * @var unknown_type
	private $rootNode = '';
	function __construct(){
	public function setOption($key, $value){
		$this->{$key} = $value;
	public function getOption($key){
		return $this->{$key};
	 * Setup the helper and return a string to echo
	 * @param array $array Data array containing the lists
	 * @param array $config Configuration variables to override the defaults
	 * @return string
	public function setup($array, $config = array()){

		// update and override the default variables 
			foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
				$this->setOption($key, $value);
		// set the default slug selected if the current page does not match
		if($this->selected == '/'){
			$this->selected = $this->defaultSlug;
		$this->array = $array;
		// get the root node of the selected tree if this a context menu
		if($this->type == 'context'){
			$this->rootNode = $this->getRootNode($this->selected);
		$str = $this->buildMenu();
		// if the current page has matched one of the links in the tree
		// then get rid of the 'default_slected' placeholder
		if($this->matched == true){
			$str = str_replace('default_selected', '', $str);
		} else {
			$s = ' class="' . $this->selectedClass . '" ';
			$str = str_replace('default_selected', $s, $str);
		// if this is a context menu, it looks daft if it only has 1 item 
		// if this is the case hide it
		if($this->type == 'context'){
			if($this->li_count < $this->contextMinLength){
				$str = '';
		return $this->output($str);	
	 * Call the menu iterator method and if it returns a string warp it up in a UL
	 * @return string
	protected function buildMenu(){
		$str = $this->menuIterator($this->array);

		if($str != ''){
			$str = '
    ' . $str . '
'; } return $str; } /** * Explode a url slug and get the root page * * @param string $string * @return string */ protected function getRootNode($string){ $rootNode = ''; if($string != ''){ $node = explode('/', $string); // $node[0] will always be empty becuase the first char of $this->selected will always be '/' $rootNode = $node[1]; } return $rootNode; } /** * Recursive method to loop down through the data array building menus and sub menus * * @param array $array * @param int $depth * @return string */ protected function menuIterator($array){ $str = ''; $is_selected = false; foreach($array as $var){ $continue = true; $selected = ''; $sub = ''; if($this->type == 'context' && ($this->getRootNode($var[$this->modelName][$this->slugUrl]) != $this->rootNode)){ $continue = false; } if($continue == true){ // if this is the first list item set default_selected placeholder $default_selected = ''; if($this->i == 0){ $this->i = 1; $default_selected = 'default_selected'; } if(!empty($var['children'])){ $sub .= '
    '; $sub .= $this->menuIterator($var['children']); $sub .= '
'; } $p = strpos($this->selected, $var[$this->modelName][$this->slugUrl]); if($p === false){ } elseif($p == 0){ // this is the selected item or a parent node of the selected item $selected = ' class="' . $this->selectedClass . '" '; $is_selected = true; $this->matched = true; } if($this->selected == $var[$this->modelName][$this->slugUrl]){ // this is the exact selected item $selected = ' class="' . $this->selectedClass . ' ' . $this->selectedClassItem . '" '; } // keep track if this is a contextual menu if($this->type == 'context'){ $this->li_count++; } // Get the name / title to be used for the link text $name = $this->getName($var); // Get the URL / target for the link $url = $this->getUrl($var); $str .= '
  • '; $str .= '' . $name . ''; $str .= $sub; $str .= '
  • '; } } return $str; } /** * Look in the data and check if this is a straight url * or whether it is actually a redirect * * @param array $var * @return array */ protected function getUrl($var = null){ $url = array(); if(isset($var[$this->modelName][$this->redirectUrl]) && !empty($var[$this->modelName][$this->redirectUrl])){ $url['url'] = $var[$this->modelName][$this->redirectUrl]; if(isset($var[$this->modelName][$this->redirectTarget]) && !empty($var[$this->modelName][$this->redirectTarget])){ $url['target'] = ' target="' . $var[$this->modelName][$this->redirectTarget] . '" '; } } else { $url['url'] = $var[$this->modelName][$this->slugUrl]; $url['target'] = ''; } return $url; } /** * See if there is a title_for_navigation * * @param array $var * @return string */ protected function getName($var){ if(isset($var[$this->modelName][$this->titleForNavigation]) && !empty($var[$this->modelName][$this->titleForNavigation])){ $name = $var[$this->modelName][$this->titleForNavigation]; } else { $name = $var[$this->modelName][$this->title]; } return $name; } } ?>


    Symbiotica Media Ltd - web design & development in Devon

    I’ve been meaning to announce the launch of my company Symbiotica Media Ltd – based in Devon near the city of Exeter. As you will be unsurprised to learn it is a web development company – so if you need beautiful, functional websites and applications that are a joy to use, look no further.

    I have been so busy that our main website still isn’t ready, but we now have a delicious looking blog up and running.

    Symbiotica Media Development Ltd - web design & development in Devon

    If you read regularly, you will rightly guess that we will be working with CakePHP quite a lot, but current projects also make extensive use of WordPress and Tarzan AWS. I’m also built and am using a great a little, lightweight XML template engine based on the Page Controller pattern, and hopefully more Django soon.