New business directory seeks businesses

I’ve been working on a business directory website in my spare time for a while and it is now live. The directory is and is for for companies / organisations / individuals based in the UK who want to promote their businesses. It is totally free to register and you won’t find any registration details sold or passed on to anybody!

At the moment it is still very much in a testing stage and I’m after feedback. Comments suggestions etc. would be greatly appreciated.

The site is written with the wonderful CakePHP framework (and god bless view caching) - Free UK business directory

Tell me more…

The sign up process is quick and easy and only requires that you confirm the email address you register with (this email remains private and is not displayed on the site).

When you have registered you can add as many businesses as you want. You can add the following information for each business you add:

  • Company name
  • Website Address
  • Contact Details
    These are mandatory, although you can elect not to show them on the website
  • Summary
  • Long Description
  • Image or Logo
  • List your business in up to 5 Categories

Click here to register today!

When Google Maps go bad…

This week I noticed that a number of google maps had stopped working out of the blue, not dying in a spectacular javascript car crash, just a subdued failure and no map.

Looking in Firefox error console I see G_MAP_TYPE is not defined; – WTF? it was working…

Well looking into it, it is an easy fix. It seems that a lot of people (myself included) have been using depreceated constant names for the maps types, and that there will be quite a few Javascript Plugins (for things like jQuery) that may need updating.

The usual (i.e. correct) types we should now be using now are:

Old Constant name New Constant Name Description
G_MAP_TYPE G_NORMAL_MAP This map type (which is the default) displays a normal street map.
G_SATELLITE_TYPE G_SATELLITE_MAP This map type displays satellite images.
G_HYBRID_TYPE G_HYBRID_MAP This map type displays a transparent layer of major streets on satellite images.

This map type displays maps with physical features such as terrain and vegetation. This map type is not displayed within map type controls by default. (Since 2.94)


For a bit of an actual explanation I found this post on Google Groups